Woman getting her hearing aid repaired while she waits.

If you have hearing aids but you’re still having difficulty hearing, your hearing aids may need professional repair.

You take care of your hearing aids. You baby them. Cleaning them on a daily basis, you make certain they are snug on their charger when you go to sleep.

But you can’t figure out why your hearing aids aren’t working effectively and it’s very annoying. Thankfully, there are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue. Keep in mind: your number one job is to avoid damaging your hearing aid further (otherwise replacing them may be required).

Your Hearing Aid Might Need Troubleshooting

Make sure you consult with your owner’s manual when performing maintenance and troubleshooting because every model of hearing aid can be a bit different. Here are a few things you can check on most models:

  • Keep your microphone clear:Sometimes, the microphone can be obstructed. Your hearing aid might sound silent or broken or have feedback if the microphone is obstructed.
  • Examine your battery: Always check your battery power even if you’re sure your hearing aid charged all night. Even rechargeable batteries need to be replaced eventually and sometimes you might not have them fully inserted.
  • Wax buildup: Check for wax buildup which could be impeding the normal operation of your hearing aids. Wax builds up rapidly so even if you have a regular cleaning schedule you still need to pay attention to this.
  • Look for visible damage: Check to see if there are any visible cracks or loose components around the shell of your hearing aid. Cracks, obviously, could indicate more extensive damage (or allow).

Each of these problems will have its own strategy so check your owner’s manual. Self maintenance will be possible in certain cases. (Your owner’s manual is the best place to begin.)

Does my Hearing Aid Need Repair – How do I Know?

If your hearing aid keeps malfunctioning after you have performed basic maintenance and troubleshooting, it’s likely that your hearing aid will require professional repair. That might not always sound appealing, after all, you depend on your hearing aid for daily communication (along with dinners with your family, staying current with your favorite Netflix series, and so on).

But it’s important to understand that repair doesn’t always imply sending your hearing aid out for repair. There are some situations where it can be repaired in shop while you wait.

Meaning, in some instances, you’ll be capable of bringing your hearing aids in for professional help and get them back within a few minutes or hours (this is why it’s a smart idea to bring your hearing aid in so we can ascertain the damage).

There are still some cases where same day repair is not feasible. And on those occasions, you may find yourself needing a backup pair of hearing aids. An old pair may be able to do an adequate job as a backup so if you have an old pair, bring them in with you. There might even be a loaner set at our office that we can loan you until yours come back.

Get Help With Your Hearing Aids Sooner Rather Than Later

It’s essential to get your hearing aids serviced as soon as you notice any falter or fading of the sound quality.

That’s because you really want to eliminate any downtime. Your general health and your mental health are affected by untreated hearing loss. More to the point, once your hearing aids are left in a box somewhere, it’s way too easy to pretend they don’t exist, all the while, your hearing grows worse and worse.

The best way to get the maximum help from your hearing aids is to keep them working at their highest quality. And the easiest way to do that is to clean them, keep them charged, and, when necessary, take your hearing aids to get some professional assistance.

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