Woman putting on her hearing aid over the couch in case she drops it.

What would you do if your hearing aids quit working at a time when you needed them most. Such as in the middle of a phone call?

That’s not something anybody wants! It’s important to invest in hearing aids for your hearing, your happiness, and your general health. You will get the greatest possible benefit from your hearing aids if you keep them functioning at maximum condition.

The following are 7 steps to help you properly care for your hearing aids and keep them operating in peak condition.

1. Read The Instructions

Your hearing aids came with a manual outlining how to take care of them so that you can experience the best results. These manuals normally come with troubleshooting guides that will help you solve many technical difficulties.

If something isn’t functioning properly, always check the manual first.

The manual should cover any problems related to the performance of your hearing aids. This is important even if you’ve worn hearing aids before because your new devices might not function in the same manner. Obviously, hearing aid technology has advanced considerably in recent years.

2. Clean Your Hearing Aids

Hearing aids can provide a breeding ground for bacteria.

While there’s always some harmless bacteria on your skin, if you don’t wash your hands or thoroughly clean the hearing aids, it can cause an infection.

Further hearing issues can be the outcome of an ear infection. Some of these problems are short lived but permanent damage can also happen.

Bacteria like moist surfaces, so wipe each hearing aid with a dry cloth before and after every use. You should never put your hearing aids in water. Disinfect them often with an alcohol-free wipe, being cautious not to get it too wet.

Clean them thoroughly once every week, including any custom mold pieces.

Regularly cleaning your hearing aids will help prevent wax buildup on the earpiece.

3. Keep Your Hearing Aids Dry

Getting wet is not something that most hearing aids are made to do. Even high humidity can cause damage. After cleaning, don’t put them on the nightstand.

Hearing aids will collect dust which contains bacteria if they are left sitting on an exposed surface.

Follow the recommendations of the manufacturer and keep them in a cool dry place. Don’t forget to take them out before you bathe or shower. Moisture is still present in the air when you shower, so don’t leave them on the bathroom counter when getting ready.

When it’s raining, carry an umbrella.

Always keep your charger with you because your battery could drain faster if the air has moisture.

Don’t allow your hearing aid to be exposed to extreme heat, such as a blow dryer or sauna, because that can also damage them.

4. Keep The Battery Charged

Don’t get caught without a spare battery at your child’s piano recital.

Turn your hearing aids completely off before you go to sleep. Remove the batteries if you are going to go for a long time period without wearing your hearing aids. You’ll get more life out of the battery this way, and you’ll avoid the chance of battery acid damaging the hearing aid’s sensitive electronics.

You can significantly extend the life of your batteries with this guidance but always carry a spare battery, just in case.

5. Get a Hearing Professional to Clean Your Ears

Anytime you’re putting something in your ear, it will push a little bit of earwax into the canal. Voices will eventually start to sound muted as this earwax builds up. Set up an appointment for a cleaning with your hearing specialist if your hearing seems dull and muted.

The removal procedure is simple with the correct tools. It should only be performed by a trained professional with the expertise to take care of and service your hearing aids.

6. When You’re Putting in Your Hearing Aids, do it Over a Soft Surface

Don’t chance dropping your hearing aids in the toilet or sink. This can easily lead to dropping the hearing aid and breaking it. Always insert your devices over a soft surface such as a bed, sofa, or a folded towel placed on a table or counter.

7. If You Aren’t Experiencing Improved Hearing, Talk To a Specialist

You need to continue to wear your hearing aids even if you’re not currently having the best success. There are solutions. Make an appointment to come see us for an exam.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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